
Footer Background – Set the background color of the footer area at the very bottom of the page.

Footer Text Color – Set the color of the text in the footer.

Footer Nav Font + Color – Set the typeface, font properties, and color of the footer navigation links.

Footer Nav Link (Active) – Set the color of the footer navigation links on hover.

Center Navigation / Info – Choose between left- and center-aligned footer navigation and site info.

Hide Site Info – Hide the site info in the footer.


Meta Priority – Select whether date or category of a post appear above its title in blog list view.

Hide Entry Author – Don't display the byline of a blog post. Useful for blogs with a single author.

Hide List Entry Footer – Don't display the footer (Comment + Like + Share) in blog list view.

Event Styles

Product Styles

Product Background Color – sets the color behind the product image.

Product Overlay Color – sets the color of the overlay when product list titles are set to 'overlay.'

Products Per Row – determines the number of products shown per line on the product list.

Product List Titles – controls the position of the product title on the product list.

Product List Alignment – sets the text alignment of the product title on the product list.

Product Item Size – select an image ratio for the product photo on the product list.

Product Image Auto Crop – determines whether product images fill the image area or fit within.

Product Gallery Size – select an image ratio for the product gallery on the product item page.

Product Gallery Auto Crop – determines whether product images fill the gallery area or fit within.

Show Product Price – shows the price on the product list page when enabled.

Show Product Item Nav – shows the 'back to shop' link on the product item page.